Social Media as a Conversation Starter

If My Dad Can, You Can Use Social Media to Share Your PostsFacebook & Social Media

While chatting on Facebook with my Dad today, I was hit with the beauty of the way that social media has given us a new way to communicate. In less than three minutes I was able to express gratitude and love and share some knowledge, AND it’s not even Father’s Day, yet!

People all over the world are using social media as a way to get out their message and you know what, it works!  Whether you are trying to develop your business, reach out to family, or catch up with friends long lost, Facebook has filled a need in many of our lives and given you a venue to share your posts.

Share Your Posts

The important thing to remember with social media is to convey your message while still being having fun with it.  Your page provides insight into you and should link to your personal page so that connections are made.  You need both to create the lasting relationships you want in your personal and professional life.  You will create those relationships with your clients as you share your posts!

If you want advice on setting up a Facebook page or app, whether for your business, a special event, or just for fun, I can share what I know with you to get you started to an active Facebook campaign.  And, if you just want to learn a little a bit about how to add symbols to your Facebook conversation,  subscribe to my newsletter so you can add some fun symbols to your chat windows!  Oh, and while you’re at it, please like MY Facebook page.  Thank you!