Marked Increase in Website Rank – Love It!

Are you interested in search engine success? Are you curious about the increase in website rank experiment conducted by  Want to see some amazing results?

If so, you’ll want to see the statistics that define what was accomplished in the last month.  It’s been exciting to test keywords on blog posts and see them climb over a period of days.  I’ve loved creating videos for a sampling of blog posts and conversing with people who have viewed  It’s been incredibly fun!

Looking for an Increase in Website Rank?

See Success at

A previous post on how to increase website rank in search engines, shared that the domain was purchased on May 30, 2012. The website was first submitted to search engines on June 11th.  Today is the first day the of month two.

Let’s review the progress made over the first month.

The increase in website rank results was achieved mainly with content.  Namely,  unique, 100% original website content and safe blog posts. The rankings shared also only reflect placement on Google, Yahoo, and Bing.  Through the process also gained backlinks from relevant sources, but none have been significant enough to affect page rank at this point.

A very minimal Adword campaign was implemented today, July 12, 2012, so we shall see how and if that impacts results for month two. Today the Adwords generated 3,897 impressions and 10 clicks. Definitely room for improvement there, but a good start, as one of the ads had a CTR (Click Through Rate) of 52%.

This month the goal is to :

Of course, will continue to promote through social media as posts, videos, and other original content is created, as well. Should be a great month with continued search engine success!